The Best NBA Commercial You Will Ever See

I think it’s appropriate, with the playoffs upon us, to show this riveting NBA commercial. This was released by TNT on opening day of the NBA season last year before the Christmas Day game between the Knicks and Celtics. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a NBA produced item more dramatic, inspiring and awesome than this one they put out last year. It has the perfect mixed of emotion and creativity that makes a phenomenal sports commercial. The edits of the past and present players together is almost seamless and their choice of players in each video is spot on. Cue the chills.


The Mecca of Basketball

Madison Square Garden has widely been considered one of the best places to watch a sporting event, or any event for that matter. One of its nickname is the “The World’s Most Famous Arena,” a name quite fitting when you enter its storied confines. The teams that play there don’t always have the most success, but plenty of memorable moments in the NBA and NHL have occurred there. I stepped foot into the Mecca of Basketball on Saturday for a Knicks, Raptors game and it fostered some great memories for me.

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Kevin Garnett Would Transform the Clippers from “Pretenders” into “Contenders

Kevin Garnett full extention

Kevin Garnett could change the Clippers for the better (Photo credit: Aaron Frutman)

For most of the duration of the Clippers 17-game winning streak earlier this season people were ready to crown them champs. How could you blame them? They looked easily like the best team in the league equipped with a plethora of depth, suffocating defense and scintillatingly efficient offense. But as we’ve watched Los Angeles come back to life losing 11 of its last 21 games, a clear weakness has emerged; the Clippers big men are mentally soft.

Don’t mistake “soft” for “not talented.” Both Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan can play, we know that, we’ve seen it with our own eyes. We were sitting in the front row for the Blake and D.J. show during that 17-game winning streak as they were catching alley oops from all over the place. But when things get rough and the ball game gets chippy, the Clippers big men fold faster than a plastic chair. If the Clippers want to contend with the Spurs, Thunder or even the streaking Nuggets, they need to get tougher mentally. Fortunately for them, there’s an opportunity out there  to shed the soft label and although it might come with a price, it truly could be worth it.

An offer has appeared in the trade rumors that the Celtics would certainly entertain the offer of Drew Bledsoe and DeAndre Jordan for Kevin Garnett. If this rumor garners any truth, Clippers fans should be jumping out of their seats. I understand that Bledsoe and Jordan have an combined upside that could explode through the roof of the Staples Center, but upside is just hype. Kevin Garnett is for real. He isn’t just a great talent on the court, but he is a locker room game changer. We saw how Garnett turned the clock back on the Celtics and turned them into the rugged, winning team that brought Boston it’s 18th championship five years ago. He could completely alter this team’s attitude for the better and I think it would be the last piece to a championship puzzle.

If you’re worried about your future Clippers fans, listen to this. Look at what Garnett did for Jared Sullinger before he went down with that back injury; he turned him into a no-joke big man in only four months. Now just imagine what he could do for Griffin? Everyone is saying Blake’s soft and that until he sheds that image, the Clippers will be pretenders. Well, K.G. would transform Griffin into that mentally tough big man that they desperately need.

The Clippers are good now and will be good for a while. But if they acquire Garnett they’ll be great now and great for a while.